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Upcoming Events

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This retreat will be a weekend of pure adventure, where modern distractions are left behind, and fathers and sons find themselves in the heart of untamed nature. They’ll bond over thrilling outdoor activities, tackle challenges as a team, and forge unforgettable memories that’ll be talked about for generations.

To register and for more info, click on the link below!

Father Son Retreat

September 27-29

Angeles Crest Christian Camp

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FORGIVENESS IS IMPERATIVE to salvation, freedom, peace, and healing. Your LIFE depends on it!

"Even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do." (Colossians 3:13)
"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15)
"If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." (John 8:36)

Please join the women for 4-teaching sessions & Q/A panel at the 'Healing in Forgiveness' conference which will be held October 18th & 19th. If you would like to learn how to come to terms with the pain, guilt, grief, bitterness and be set free to experience God's peace or want to be reminded of God's loving and forgiving nature, then this conference is for you. Please join us as we look at scriptures, share personal journeys, and worship together. God's Word brings healing and hope.

Women's Conference

October 18-19


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Godspeak partners with Child Evangelism Fellowship to establish Good News Clubs in local public elementary schools. We need prayer warriors to commit to pray for their local school. If you have a heart to see the Bible taught in after school clubs, check out our website to join our prayer team, volunteer team, snack team or register a child for a club at their school. questions: or

Good News Club

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Ballot chasing is our new strategy to encourage voters with mail-in ballots to vote promptly. We're mobilizing a massive team of door knockers to win the ballot game at the mailboxes.

In 2024, Turning Point Action will deploy over 1,000 FIELD ORGANIZERS to track key ballots in battleground states. We aim to inspire other organizations to follow suit for victories in Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and more.

The Radical Left is ahead in ballot chasing, focusing heavily on key states and expanding operations in critical battlegrounds.

In 2024, Turning Point Action will launch the most comprehensive conservative ballot-chasing operation to ensure every American has a plan to vote for victory.


Chase the Vote

October 20-26


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Men of Godspeak! We are re-starting our weekly Bible study titled Restoring and Rebuilding...finishing up our study through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Join us every Wednesday night at 6 pm for a wonderful time in fellowship, worship, and the word. We look forward to our time together. There will be a $5 charge for the notebook and a $12 charge for the book if you have not already purchased it. Register below!

Men's Bible Study

Wednesday Evenings @ 6 PM


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If you are a family member or friend of an addict and want to learn how to help them through Biblical principles, the Potter's House Ministry is a place where you will learn and appreciate the fact that you are not alone. The facilitators are Pastor Ray Cruz and Shirley Budge a Parent and Peer Volunteer. They are trusted servants who suggest how we solve similar problems through their experiences and testimonies of invited guests. Your progress can be made in your own way. They merely invite your attendance in a common cause through Jesus Christ. By sharing experiences, will allow the support group to give each other support, and to exchange practical information and ways of coping. It also allows for understanding of themselves better through the insights of others. Ultimately, participants will learn how to get out of the way and allow the Lord to do His work. Come learn from Special Speakers, Clinicians, and Mental Health Professionals how to combat these diseases.

Potter's House Ministry

Sunday Mornings @ 11 am

Upper room

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Join TPUSA Faith on Friday, September 27th, at 6 PM for what will be an incredibly impactful screening of The 1916 Project. Brought to you by Seth Gruber's The White Rose Resistance, this documentary dives into the founding of Planned Parenthood, "the linchpin of our decaying nation." We'll have local pro-life and post-abortion support organizations tabling to provide information on how you can get involved in protecting God's most precious creations and to offer hope and healing if you have suffered an abortion. This documentary is not suitable for children, but we encourage you to please make every effort to make arrangements, so you don't miss out on this pivotal event. Doors open at 5:30. Get here early, and we'll see you on Friday, September 27th, at 6 PM!

1916 Project Screening

September 27 @ 6 PM


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We are in a critical time in our nation. We know that it is God who raises up a leader and it is God who brings them down. Please join us each Tuesday and Thursday at 9 am for our Prevailing in Prayer and each Sunday Night at 6pm in October through the election for worship and prayer specifically for our nation and the body of Christ in our nation.

Prayer for the Nation

Sundays @ 6 pm


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Ladies, we hope you will join the study through a book called: The Way of Agape - Understanding God's Love by Chuck & Nancy Missler

In John‬ ‭10‬:‭10‬, Jesus states that He came that we may have life, and that we may have it more abundantly. Do you struggle to experience this abundant life or how to love like Him? Have you noticed that we, as Christians, often act no differently than the world? We try, we struggle, we fight our way through daily life only to find failure.

The Way of Agape study will provide you with a road map to understanding God's true and divine Love and the life-changing power that is found within it. We will look at the character of God and at the blueprints of the temple as we consider how each room correlates to our bodily temple. This study will supply much needed counsel in a practical down-to-earth manner (like in Loving God With All Your Mind book), equipping you with just the tools you need to experience a victorious abundant life. You won't want to miss this study! Cost is only $25.

Women's Bible Study

Wed Evenings & Thurs Mornings


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We are gathering together for an incredible night of worship and music to TAKE BACK CALIFORNIA FOR JESUS with our free album release party! Come worship with us, pray with us, and bring Jesus back to California. We will have worship leaders, pastors, and intercessors from all across the state of California come together at the historic Angelus Temple in Los Angeles on Sept. 20 at 7pm. You won't want to miss this amazing night!

Sean Feucht Album Release Party

September 20 @ 7:00 pm

Angelus Temple

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Free Ventura Action's non-partisan Voter guides will help you know how to vote for, and not against your values. Our voter guide will help you cut through the rhetoric and election propaganda. They will be available on the table in the lobby beginning October 12th!.

Free Ventura Action will, once again, have a secured ballot collection box for the Nov 5th election, in the lobby at all 4 services from Oct 12/13th to Nov 2/3rd. Ballots collected will be secured and driven directly to the Ventura Elections office each Monday morning. Kindly deposit your ballots exclusively with the designated ballot collector at the front desk. Anyone is welcome to submit their ballots through us. Let's encourage everyone to vote - spread the word to your friends and relatives.

Voter Guides & Ballot Harvesting

Starts Oct 12

Godspeak Foyer

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Godspeak Homeschool Connection - offers opportunities for homeschool families at Godspeak to build community at park days and encourage one another in their homeschool journey. Register to keep updated on homeschool events!

Godspeak Homeschool Connection

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