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The Godspeak Missions Group

You are the light of the world.  Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven

Matthew 5:14.

Let Our light shine!

You are the light of the world.  Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:14.


ShineOn!  is the missions arm of Godspeak Calvary Chapel. We are Shining Christ’s light of the gospel to the World by sending missionaries, empowering Christian workers, facilitating kingdom work, and partnering with local churches.


How ShineOn Works

Sending - missionaries with a calling to take the gospel to the world.

Empowering -  Christian workers to make disciples

Facilitating -  efforts in evangelism, discipleship, church planting and good works.

Partnering  - with local churches in their efforts to transform their communities.

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